Planning, Research and Statistics

Pharm Abdul Musa
Head of Department
The Planning, Research & Statistics Department ensures the achievement of the goals and objectives of Niger State Contributory Health Agency as captured in the Agency’s strategic documents
Key Functions
- Development of Plans (Strategic, Medium-Term, Annual Operational Plans) and Preparation of Budgets.
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Programmes, Projects and Plans Implementation
- Serve as Secretariat to Basic Health Care Provision Fund.
- Conduct research into Health Financing and Health Insurance, in collaboration with other departments and agencies, institutions and parastatals.
- Routine collection and processing of Data and Statistics relating to the Agency and the health sector.
- Coordination of Health Insurance Management Information System
- Partnership Coordination & Resource Mobilization
- Coordinating, tracking and assessing projects and programmes
Basic Health Care Provision Fund – BHCPF
BHCPF is a prescription of Section 11 of the National Health Act of 2014 and it is aimed at supporting the effective delivery of health care services through improvement of Primary Health Care System, provision of Basic Minimum Package of Health Services, establishment of an Emergency Medical System and Public Health Emergency Preparedness Response. It is being funded through a Federal Government annual grant of not less than one percent 1% of its Consolidated Revenue Fund, grants by international donor partners, States and funds from other sources.
BHCPF operational guideline also spelt out that 45% of the fund is to be utilized for improvement of Primary Health Care System by the Ministry of Primary Healthcare, 48.75% is for provision of Basic Minimum Package of Health Services by the Niger State Contributory Health Agency, 5% is for establishment of an Emergency Medical System by the Department of Medical Services of State Ministry of Secondary and Tertiary Health and 1.25% for Public Health Emergency Preparedness Response.